Valve's Deadlock Goes 24/7 with Major Updates: New Minimap, Low Priority Queue, and Hero Tweaks

BigGo Editorial Team
Valve's Deadlock Goes 24/7 with Major Updates: New Minimap, Low Priority Queue, and Hero Tweaks

Valve's highly anticipated MOBA, Deadlock, has taken a significant step towards its full release with a series of major updates that are sure to excite fans and newcomers alike.

Round-the-Clock Access

The most notable change is the shift to 24/7 matchmaking across all regions. This move addresses one of the community's biggest pain points - the previously restricted playtesting hours. Now, players can jump into matches at any time, greatly increasing accessibility and potentially accelerating the game's development through more extensive testing.

Visual Enhancements

A new, more visually appealing minimap has been introduced. While it may seem like a minor change, experienced MOBA players know the crucial role minimaps play in strategic decision-making. The update includes a stylish backdrop and is designed to highlight neutral camps more effectively, though some players report this feature may not be fully implemented yet.

Behavior Monitoring

Taking a page from Dota 2's playbook, Deadlock has implemented a low-priority queue system. This feature aims to improve the overall gaming experience by segregating players who frequently abandon matches or exhibit toxic behavior. These sinners will need to complete a set number of games in the low-priority queue before rejoining the general player pool.

Hero Balance Changes

The patch also includes some significant hero adjustments:

  1. Bebop: The lovable robot's Hyper Beam ability has been nerfed across multiple parameters:

    • Cooldown increased from 117 to 130 seconds
    • Tier 1 cooldown reduction decreased
    • End radius reduced from 5m to 4m
    • Slow effect reduced from 40% to 30%
    • DPS lowered from 220 to 205
    • Spirit scaling for DPS reduced
  2. McGinnis: The healer's Medicinal Specter ability has had its radius spirit power reduced, requiring closer proximity for effective healing.

Gameplay Tweaks

The flex slot system has been adjusted, now unlocking after the second enemy Walker is defeated instead of the first. This change is aimed at slowing down the power scaling of aggressive teams in the early game.

As Deadlock continues to evolve, these updates demonstrate Valve's commitment to refining gameplay balance, improving player experience, and responding to community feedback. With 24/7 access now available, we can expect even more rapid iterations and exciting developments in the near future.